Friday, February 1, 2013

mighty kids

Last night, at karate, our Sensei brought in some boards to be broken by the senior class. (MR 11 has been in the senior class for a while now).

We don't usually do this kind of thing -- Sensei's doing this as part of an exercise for a leadership/teambuilding program for some non-karate students, and just wanted to check how it would all go.

Mr 11 was first up. Everyone cheered and encouraged him as he lined up and WHACK! the board didn't break, but I could tell it was because he hadn't fully committed to the hit, and he had another go and this time, broke it.
BIG cheering! BIGGER grin!!
He was so pleased with himself, and later we talked about being nervous and then doing something anyway, and how good it feels when you accomplish something you weren't sure you could do.

All the adults had a turn, and there was much hilarity, and back-slapping, and board-breaking.

My Princess watched on, cheering and clapping as each board broke.

Then, Sensei brought one over, and stacked it on top of some broken pieces, and asked her to stomp on the board and break it.
So, of course, she did. And it broke.

The look on her face! she squared her shoulders up, and said quietly, "Well, no-one better mess with ME!"

That's my girl. Don't mess with her.


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