Monday, March 15, 2010

MMT comp week 3 -- rock and roll!

We're having SO MUCH FUN at ART right now, with our comp. Some fab LOs being submitted, and I'm really proud of our girls!
This week we're rocking and rolling, and here is my take on the challenge.

The lovely Terri sent me some sticky-backed plastic, which I was keen to try with my Cricut. I found a jpeg image on the net, downloaded it, then found a tutorial to turn the image into a shape using Photoshop.
I have a brilliant little software program called Sure Cuts A Lot (SCAL) which lets you cut many of the fonts from your computer, and dingbats etc, on the Cricut, BUT it uses a file extension called SVGs. So then I downloaded a free program called Inkscape, and converted my rocket shape to an SVG file.
After that, it took only a few seconds fiddling to get the size I wanted, and the rocket was done!
I'm keen to try some lovely damask shapes next.


  1. Wow, you did a GREAT job on this layout! Brilliant use of PS and the Cricut And who doesn't love Buzz Lightyear?? I adore this piece!


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