Wednesday, April 20, 2011

game for anything

I admit it, the ChickChat House is gamer-geeky. All of us but Fabio, who just won't play anything.

We have a Wii, a PS3, an X-Box 360, a PS2, and hundreds of games. We play games on computers, too.

I own a Lara Croft figure and I bought Assassins' Creed as a pre-order because it came in a funky box that looks like a medieval stone casket.

And I have the Wii-Fit board and game. Which I use as a weight-loss tool.

No, no, seriously.

If you haven't seen the Wii-Fit before, it really is good IF you use it. The game (Wii-Fit Plus) takes your weight (ouch!) and lets you set a goal for weight-loss (say, 2 kgs within a month) Then it tracks your progress. And it has a kind of calorie burner too, which tells you how much each exercise will burn and also what the equivalent is in food.

The games themselves are fun.

There are 4 divisions -- you can choose from yoga, balance games, muscle workouts, or cardio, which includes jogging,
step aerobics, and hula-hooping.
THIS is how I sold Fabio on the idea of investing so much money in a game console....
Of course, I don't look like that, but he still enjoys watching :)

The board also measures your stance. I found I was standing way too far back on my heels, which was one of the reasons why my feet were so sore at the end of the day. I'm training myself to stand properly now.

I know there's been a lot of back-and-forth about whether Wii-Fit will really help you lose weight or not, but I reckon it's like any other exercise machine. If it sits in the corner gathering dust, it's a waste of money, but if it gets you up and moving, then it can only be a good thing.

So what about you? do you play games? own consoles? have you tried the Wii-Fit?


  1. Oh i'm a gaming dud. I can barely use the Wii Fit (i go to a real gym, so not lazy, just can't get the control thing to work accurately) & the children only play on their Wii things in school holidays. We have an xBox Kinect (i know it's spelt strangely??) which my husband bought on the weekend, that is nice & active like the Wii, it's keeping them busy in the school holidays while it's raining. Love Posie

  2. Hubby & I are both gaming geeks. Both play on PC (mainly any of The Sims games, Tomb Raider & Diablo II).
    We've just got a Kinect after trying the MILs Wii which neither of us liked the controller. Gotta love the fact the Kinect is controller less AND you get just as much excerising from PMSL at hubby boxing or playing soccer.
    MIL got Wii Fit for her birthday so I might give it a go to compare it to Your Shape Fitness Evolved on the Kinect.

  3. I'm useless at games and things, so I don't think a Wii-fit is for me, but they do look like fun. I've seen ads on TV.

  4. I SWEAR by the Wii fit. It's the only thing that keeps me sane when pregnant. Having the little people at home with me means I can't just go to the gym or go to work whenever I feel like it. The Wii Fit let me work out at home at my own convenience. I get really bad indigestion when I'm pregnant and it helped me so much with that. I also credit the hula hooping for a quick labour with my son. I'll be getting back into that hoola hooping practise once I reach 37 weeks to make certain baby is in the right position.
    ...Although, they don't do a Wii fit for pregnant women and it kept lecturing me that I was putting weight on haha!!

  5. The Wii Fit Plus is super popular here. I originally bought it for hubby to get fit and then took it over. Since then I've upgraded him to Wii Sports Active, which is far more intense. He ends up dripping of sweat and now thinks the Fit Plus just isn't ``challenging enough''!!

  6. My husband & daughter love games too and we have the same bunch. I am thinking of getting this wii fit for myself and it does look fun & something I can do for exercise. Thanks for reminding me!


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