Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Vitamin ME

Well, here's a good way to cheer me up....

I'll enter a COMPETITION.

(not that I expect to win. I'm pretty un-lucky. Even in board games, I can't roll much higher than a 1 or a 2. Unless one is required, of course.)

BUT I will spend some time day-dreaming about what I would do if I won, and that means I'm not thinking about how I miss my man. Instead I'll be thinking about how much FUN we'd be having if we were in....


Yes, a competition where the prize is a trip to QUEENSLAND!!

Now, I'm thinking many of you would plump for the Gold Coast or a tropical island getaway. And so you should. Those are truly gorgeous holidays.
Australia Zoo is amazing,

the tropical coast is breath-takingly beautiful,

the whole southern hinterland is magical,

outback Queensland is stunning...

do you get the picture?

They don't say "Queensland, beautiful one day, perfect the next" for nothing, you know.

But for me, Queensland really means one thing.

That's my mum and my two sisters and me.
And I miss them. Nearly as much as I miss Fabio.

So my Vitamin Me would involve a trip to NQ, and spending some time with my girls. I guarantee, my eyes would be sparkling, my skin clear, my hair all shiny and swishy -- I would look AMAZING. Because I would be so freakin' HAPPY! Endorphins are like that.

Now, what about you? if you won a trip to Queensland, where would YOU go? and why?

Follow the link above, and write a blog post. Link up to the comp. Then dream.

But be quick! the competition closes THIS FRIDAY.


  1. Good luck! You can have my luck too, since I like to avoid places that are all sunshiney and whatnot, so won't be entering.

  2. I'd choose the tropical coast as long as I could go in the winter, because summer would be too hot. I'm not entering any comp. though, I don't think I can get away from work. Good luck with your entry.

  3. I think I would visit the Southern Hinderland... the green and hills look beautiful! But I know my husband would want the tropical coast so he could fish!

  4. Yep, anything that involves fishing would happy my man up too!

  5. All the best with it, Toni. I really need to get my act together and enter!


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