Sunday, February 13, 2011

and the winner is....

I had my beautiful assistant (The Princess) draw the winner of the two Joanne Harris books I wrote about the other day ....

.... and the books will be on their way to RED NOMAD, just as soon as ever I can get an address!

Not to worry -- I have plenty more books and thus more chances to win something. Watch this space....


  1. Oh, I'm so literal when I saw your FAAAAABULOUS announcement on my Google Reader and that the Princess had 'drawn' me, I hopped over right away to see the picture she'd drawn!


    Emailing with the address - thanx so much!!

  2. Still laughing!! she loves to draw, maybe you'll get a bonus with your books :)


Hey, thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I love to hear what you have to say even if you disagree with me. I have only one request -- please keep it polite.
