Saturday, February 12, 2011

kindy kids

Well, here is my 'first day of school' post.

No, it's not 2 weeks late for the return of school. Actually, it's 42 several years late because this is my sister and me apparently ready for kindy.
And I don't even know if it really was the first day. Talk about fail.

I know.

You'll note the dresses that my mum cleverly made, the carefully tied sneakers, and the cardboard ports we're carrying. In Queensland, they were always ports. Never bags.

I posted this picture up to
show off my legs embarrass my sister give the family a giggle advocate a return to 60s fashion
... I don't know why I posted it. I just like it.

and PS that's me on the left. In pink. Yep.


  1. Gorgeous pic Toni.
    Noice legs too!
    And how short are those dresses???

  2. FAAAAAABULOUS!!! A bit dodgy with SOOO much leg though ...!!!

  3. I know, we might as well have been in knickers and t-shirts!

  4. That is SO CUTE. The ports look like little briefcases. Do they still call it that btw? Never heard that before!

  5. yep they do. Confuses southerners no end :)

  6. OMG. I had one of those ports!!! LOL. Ah the memories. Must find my own first day of school picture and post it ...
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. You two were almost identical. Do you still look so much alike? I look nothing like my sister.

    "Ports" really confused me the first time I heard it. I was heading in to hospital in Brisbane to have my first baby and the nurse asked me where my port was. Huh?? What??? We'd only been in QLD for about 6 weeks. That's where we learned "togs" for swimsuits too, down here in SA they're called "bathers".

  8. River, yes we've been mistaken for twins or even for each other many times. MANY times.

    It's always amused me how the names of things changes so much between states. They're bathers in WA too. When we visit Qld my kids are constantly asking "What does that mean?" and I have to act as their translator!

  9. I think we are related....I have those knees also!

  10. Love it! My mum and dad are from Queensland so they were always ports at our place too!


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